Certificate request with Openssl

When in the need to send a certifcate request to a certificate issuer i find it best to use openssl. I’ve seen people using  IIS multiple time and failing either because they cancel the request by making a new, or by importing the certificate with the private key non-exportable when needing to move it to another computer. My previous post about Exporting non-exportable certificates will solve that however, but is still prefare using openssl.

In this case i’ll request a certificate called portal.mydomain.com

To make a certifcte request run

Openssl genrsa -out portal.key -1024

you should now have a file called portal.key

Now run

openssl req -new -key portal.key -out portal.csr

you don’t have to supply a password when asked for it, just press enter

Run cat portal.csr

This text need to be suplied to the certificate issuer, and you should get a .cer or .crt file back from them or you can sign the certificate by your self.

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in portal.csr -signkey portal.key -out portal.crt

Either way you’ll end up with a nwe file .cer or .crt

Now you can export the certificate to make a .p12 that contains the private key and can be imported to a webserver.

openssl pkcs12 -export -in portal.crt -inkey portal.key -out portal.p12

I retreive the certificate to my windows server by using PSCP

Now i can import the certificate to my windows server with the privatekey.

Open an elevated MMC and import the certificate.



When browsing select all files to view the .p12

Enter the password that you supplied when exporting the .p12, if you want to be able to export the certificate with the private key, mark the checkbox for exporting.

Now you should have a certificate with the private key.

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